When creating a new listing, if you see the error message "Your company has already entered this listing for this property" followed by a 7 digit number, likely someone from your brokerage already created a listing for this unit.
As per StreetEasy policy, only one listing per unit is allowed per brokerage. If the previous listing has not been off the market for more than 90 consecutive days (to create a 90 days policy to link here), the old listing needs to be reactivated.
When this happens, there are a few things you can do.
1) Click on the 7 digit number following the error to see the listing page.
1.A) If you are the listing agent of the old listing, and the listing has not been off-the-market for more than 90 consecutive days, to relist this unit, you can either reactivate the past listing or wait for the listing to meet the 90 off-the-market requirements to list as a new listing. Click here to learn more on how to update a past listing.
1.B) If you are the listing agent of the old listing, and the listing has been off-the-market for more than 90 consecutive days, but you are still unable to create a new listing. Please edit the old listing and change the status to No Longer Available or Delisted. Once this is done, the system should let you create a new listing.
2) if you are not the listing agent of the old listing, you can either reach out to the listing department of your brokerage (or anyone with a manager account) and ask them to replace the old listing agent info with yours. After that is done, you should be able to reactivate the listing from your past listings.
Or, if the past listing is close to meet the 90 days off-the-market requirement, you can wait and create a brand new listing after this is met.
Note: As only one listing per unit is allowed per brokerage, if a new agent is taking over the exclusive from a previous agent in the same brokerage, the old listing needs to be reactivated. A new listing cannot be created unless 90 days policy is met.
3) If you cannot see the listing page when clicking on the 7 digits error number, then it is likely the listing was disabled by StreetEasy. In that case, please submit a request here and our support team will be more than happy to take a closer look and assist.
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