Your claimed deals play an important role in eligibility. To review how to claim buy-side deals, see this article.
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about claiming deals.
Who can claim a deal?
The listing agent, buying agent, and any members of their teams who were an active part of the deal – all have the option to claim it. Rule of thumb: if you or any other agent received payment when the transaction closed, you/they qualify to claim it.
Who will appear on the closing?
When the closing record is created, it should link to the last advertised sale for that unit. Any agent listed as having represented the seller on the previous sale should appear on the closing record. Any agent that represented the buyer, however, would not be added automatically. Instead, they would need to ‘claim” the deal.
Why can’t I claim a recent sale?
We need to get the recorded sale from the Department of Finance in order to update the final closing price. As you may already know, there is always a lag between when a sale closes and when it gets recorded with the city. Usually, it's a 2 to 8 week timeframe, but it really depends on the seller's attorney.
Once we get the recorded sale from Finance, we will link the recorded sale to the sales listing. The sales listing will automatically be updated with the final sales price and closing date.
Why can’t I claim an older sale?
It’s possible that the information filed with the Department of Finance doesn’t match the record we have on StreetEasy. This can lead to a closing not being created.
If that’s the case, our Support team is able to help. Reach out to them by submitting a closing request here. Below are some examples of information they may request on your behalf, in order to locate the closing record:
- Buyer or seller’s name
- The deed or RETT or RPTT document ID number
- The full address filed with the Department of Finance, including:
- The unit number (some co-ops will use a resident unit rather than the address)
- If there was a parking spot or other add-on that would cause the filing to be “+”
Can I claim a rental?
Unfortunately, you won't be able to claim a rental. The city does not keep a centralized database of recorded rental agreements, as it does with sales. There is no way for us to have a 'closing page' for rentals.
How does this impact my ability to be an Expert?
To be eligible as an Expert on a building, you’ll need to have claimed your deals. To review eligibility requirements, please review this article.
Have another question? Submit a request to our support team by clicking here.
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